PezBOTS mod v° 011p

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare


Download (dl) : 36

Date : Jan - 10 - 2025

File size : 9.00 Mo

File type : Mod


Web site :


Version : 011p

svr_pezbots // Autoassign # bots (defaults to 0)
svr_pezbots_allies // Add # bots to allies (defaults to 0)
svr_pezbots_axis // Add # bots to axis (defaults to 0)
svr_pezbots_useperks // Set to 0 to disable bots choosing a random perk upon spawn (defaults to 1)
svr_pezbots_modelchoice // Set to 1 to enable bots to use the additional character models such as Capt. Price (defaults to 0)
svr_pezbots_chatter // Set to 0 to stop bots using battlechatter (talking during game) (defaults to 1)
svr_pezbots_playstyle // Set to 0 - Original (slower speed and more walking) or 1 - Faster (Run & Gun) or 2 - Both (defaults to 2)
svr_pezbots_useperks // Set to 0 to disable bots choosing a random perk upon spawn.
svr_pezbots_modelchoice // Set to 1 to enable bots to use the additional character models such as Capt. Price. (defaults to 0)
svr_pezbots_dewards // Set to 1 to disable bots using UAV, Airstrike and Helicopter (defaults to 0)
svr_pezbots_skill // Bot skill level, value from 0.1 to 1 (defaults to 0.5)
svr_pezbots_XPCheat // Set to 1 to be instant level 55 and have all weapons unlocked (defaults to 0)
svr_pezbots_grenadepickup // Set to 1 and bots will drop grenades/RPGs for the player to pick up and restock their grenade/RPG ammunition (defaults to 0)
svr_pezbots_roundCount // Restarts the listen server after # amount of maps - workaround for "running out of bots" (defaults to 2)

Other methods of adding bots and changing PeZBOT settings:
In-Game PeZBOT Menu:
In version 010p and later we now have an in-game PeZBOT menu so that you can add bots without having to open the console or using the pezbot.cfg.
To use the in-game menu, press B (default - Quick Commands Menu), then select PeZBOT. You can change the settings and add bots through here.

You can ignore the pezbot.cfg file if you are going to use the In-Game PeZBOT Menu or the console, but this is probably the most convenient method of adding bots and changing PeZBOT settings if you don't plan to change the amount of bots you play with / settings, etc.
Simply go to the PeZBOT folder and open the "pezbot.cfg" in notepad. Edit the settings to your liking - it should be quite easy to follow.
Please note that you require to have +exec pezbot.cfg in the command line for this to work.

Source :
